Consumption Period Factor
Before applying a rate, the bill segment's consumption period is determined. The ratio of normal days to consumption period days is the consumption period factor.
The system uses the Minimum and Maximum Days Offset on the rate's Frequency to determine whether or not the calculation rule should be prorated due to a short or long consumption period.
If the number of days in the consumption period is within the tolerance of days determined by the specified on the rate's frequency, the consumption period factor is 1 (not applicable).
If the consumption period spans 60 days and the rate's normal days equals 30 days then the consumption period factor is:
30 days / 60 days = 0.5
If the consumption period spans 31 days and the rate's normal days equals 30 days and the maximum offset is 3 days, the consumption period factor is 1 (not applicable) because the consumption period days falls within the tolerance specified on the frequency.
For more information on how a bill segment's consumption period is determined, refer to How the System Requests How Much Was Consumed . For more information on specifying minimum and maximum offset days on frequency, refer to Defining Frequency Codes.