Quote - Quote Details
This page is used to view a summary of the simulated bill segments linked to a quote detail.
Open this page using Menu > Sales & Marketing > Quote > Search and navigate to the Quote Details page to define this information. You can also display a quote detail by clicking the respective go to button in the quote details grid on the main tab.
Description of Page
Quote Info contains a concatenation of important information about the quote (e.g., its expiration date and status). Quote ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the quote. These values only appear after the quote is added to the database.
The Quote Details scroll contains one entry for every quote detail linked to the quote (a summary of these quote details also appears on the Main tab). The remainder of this section describes the information displayed for each quote detail.
You don't have to use the scroll. If the quote has many quote details, you don't have to use the scroll to work through them. Rather, you can use the go to button in the quote details grid on the main tab to position the respective quote detail in the following scroll. Also note, you can use Alt - and Alt + to scroll to the next and previous quote details in the scroll.
You cannot maintain quote details on this page. All maintenance functions (generate, delete, accept, decline and cancel) are performed on the Main tab.
Premise Info is the address of the main premise associated with the service agreement (as defined on the service agreement's characteristic premise). It's important to note that the service agreement may cover service at multiple premises, but only one may be defined as the main premise.
Quote Detail ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the quote detail.
SA Info is a concatenation of the proposal SA's division, SA type, start option (if any), status and start date.
SA Version is a snapshot of the proposal SA's version number at the time the quote detail was generated. This information is used by the system to detect if the proposal SA was modified after the quote detail was created.
Total Amount is the sum of the quote detail's simulated bill segments.
Create Date / Time is the date and time the quote detail was generated.
Remarks highlight special circumstances associated with the quote detail. Please see the description of this field on the main tab for more information.
The grid contains a row for each simulated bill segment linked to the quote detail. The following information appears in the grid:
The first go to button transfers you to the bill segment page where the details of the simulated bill segment are shown.
Bill Segment Period defines the start and end dates of the simulated bill segment.
Amount contains the amount of the bill segment.
Remarks highlight special circumstances associated with the bill segment.
Billing Scenario ID allows you to go to the proposal SA's billing scenario where you can tinker with consumption and the bill segment period used to generate this bill segment. Refer to Proposal SAs Contain Billing Scenarios for more information.