Premise Management Page
This page allows you to display a list of premises using a combination of search criteria. In addition, you can perform actions on one or more of the resulting premises, including:
Assigning a parent premise to one or more premises
Removing the link to a parent premise from one or more premises
Assigning a landlord to one or more premises
Removing the link to a landlord from one or more premises
Start service for one or more premises
Stop service for one or more premises
Open this page using Menu > Customer Information > Premise Management.
Description of Page
The top half of the page is where you enter the criteria used to search for premises.
Multiple search criteria may be specified. You can search for premises using a combination of search criteria. For example, if you enter both a Parent Premise Filter of Linked To Any Premise and an Account Filter of Not Linked to Any Account; only those premises that have a parent premise but are not linked to an account will be displayed.
At least one positive criterion is required. You may not define your search criteria to only use filter values that start with "Not Linked...". At least one "positive" filter value is required.
The following table describes each of the different search methods.
Search Method
Landlord Filter
Use this filter to narrow down your search based on landlord. Enter one of the following values:
Not Applicable
Linked To This Landlord - for this option, you must enter a Landlord Agreement
Not Linked To This Landlord - for this option, you must enter a Landlord Agreement
Linked To Any Landlord
Not Linked To Any Landlord.
A filter value of Not Applicable defaults.
Parent Premise Filter
Use this filter to narrow down your search based on parent premise. Enter one of the following values:
Not Applicable
Linked To This Parent Premise - for this option, you must enter a Premise ID for the parent premise
Not Linked To This Parent Premise - for this option, you must enter a Premise ID for the parent premise
Linked To Any Parent Premise
Not Linked To Any Parent Premise.
A filter value of Not Applicable defaults.
Account Filter
Use this filter to narrow down your search based on account. Enter one of the following values:
Not Applicable
Linked To This Account - for this option, you must enter an Account ID
Not Linked To This Account - for this option, you must enter an Account ID
Linked To Any Account
Not Linked To Any Account.
A filter value of Not Applicable defaults.
Premise Filter
Use this filter to narrow down your search based on account. Enter one of the following values:
Located At This Address - for this option, you must enter address constituents
Located At This Geographic Type / Value - for this option, you must enter a Geo Type and Value
Not Applicable
Show This Specific Premise - for this option, you must enter a Premise ID
A filter value of Not Applicable defaults.
The Select All / Clear All buttons are used to select premises if you plan on issuing any of the mass update actions at the bottom of the page. Refer to the description of the "mass update" actions below for more information.
50 premises at a time. Clicking Select All selects the first 50 premises in the grid. If more than 50 premises exist, you must select them in batches.
The grid that follows contains the premises that match your search criteria. The following information appears in the grid:
Select box. Use this checkbox to select premises for mass update actions.
The Premise Information column shows information about each premise. Click the hyperlink to transfer to the Premise page where you can update information about the premise in question.
The Account Information column shows information about all accounts linked to the premise, if any. Only accounts with non-canceled, non-closed service agreements linked to this premise are displayed. The column displays the name of the customer's main person followed by a list of status values for any of the account's service agreements linked to this premise. For example, you may see Customer A (pending stop), Customer B (pending start). If multiple service agreements linked to the account & premise have the same status, the status is only displayed once.
The Parent Premise Information column displays information about the premise's parent premise, if one exists.
The Landlord Information column displays the landlord agreement description for the premise's landlord, if there is one.
This transaction has sophisticated logic that can be used to perform "mass updates" to the premises that appear in the grid using the buttons at the bottom of the page. The buttons are enabled if you select at least one row from the premise grid. The following points describe these mass update actions: