Service Order Management External Applications
The external systems used with Service Order Management must be defined as External Applications using the "External Application" (D1-ExternalApplication) business object. Examples of external systems can include:
A customer information system (such as a separate installation of Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing)
A field work system (such as Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management)
An asset management system (such as Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management or Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management)
Information defined for external system service providers used by Service Order Management include:
Our Name/ID in Their System: This is the value that the field work system uses to identify our system.
Utility Device ID Type: This is the Device ID Type that will be used when communicating with the external application and it will be the assumed Device ID Type for any device identifiers sent from the external application.
Utility Service Point ID Type: This is the Service Point ID Type that will be used when communicating with the external application and it will be the assumed Service Point ID Type for any service point identifiers sent from the external application.
Refer to Understanding External Applications and Configuring External Applications for more information about external applications.
Processing Roles
The external application’s processing roles define how data relevant to the field work system is sent and/or created.
Field work service providers can use the following processing roles:
Activity Notification: Used to send notifications to subscribing and/or requesting systems about the status of orchestration and/or service order field activities.
Appointment Request: Used to send a request for an appointment to the field work system.
Cancelation Activity: Used to send notifications to requesting systems when canceling orchestration and/or service order field activities.
Collection Details: Used to retrieve details about collections processing (used with "Cut Service for Non-Payment" and "Restore Service for Payment" orchestration activities).
Customer Contact: Used to send a contact to a customer regarding a service request
Field Activity: Used to send a service order field activity to the field work system.
Field Activity Completion: Used to send a notification regarding completion of a service order field activity.
Interim Status Update: Used to send updates regarding the status of orchestration and service order field activities to requesting systems.
Meter Exchange Mapping: Used to define how to define different types of meter exchanges based specific roles and device configurations. This can provide context to field crews to help ensure they install the correct type of device and device configuration when exchanging a meter.
Response - Appointment: Used to send a request for an appointment to the field work system.
Response - Fail: Used to send a response to an external system when Service Order Management fails to respond.
Response - Missed Appointment: Used to send a response to the field work system when notification of a missed appointment is received.
Response - Negative Acknowledgement: Used to send a negative acknowledgement response to an external system in the event that a request is rejected.
Response - Received: Used to send a response to an external system to acknowledge receipt of a request.
Response - Success: Used to send a response to an external system when Service Order Management successfully processes a request.
Send Field Activity Remark: Used to send a service order field activity remark to a subscribing system
Update Activity: Used to send notifications to requesting systems when updating orchestration and/or service order field activities.