Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway Overview
Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway (SGG) is designed as a messaging broker to communicate with meters and other devices using a common interface. This allows the system to hide much of the background complexity that can occur when multiple head end or meter data collection systems are used.
SGG functionality covers the following types of standardized processing.
Loading usage and event data records that are collected on a frequent basis.
Providing normalized raw data to other applications that require information with the ability to filter based on requirements.
Standardizing command and control use cases; such as, turning a meter device on or off, checking the current status of a device, and requesting a measurement on-demand via electronic messages to the corresponding head end system.
Centralizing command and data exceptions with the ability to automate retry processing.
SGG delivers pre-built adapters that support integrations to leading metering technology vendors. It also provides an Adapter Development Kit (ADK) to easily integrate with other sources. The system can provide a single auditable link to devices across all systems, simplify integrating with other utilities applications, and allowing normalized protocols and data types. The platform can expand to allow other types of device and customer communications, beyond meters; or other types of distribution and network devices that are upstream from the metering technology.