Using the Customer Dashboard

You use the Customer Dashboard to manage utility billing account information and transactions. The Customer Dashboard is available for contacts and prospects who are linked to one or more billing accounts, and not for contacts or accounts that exist only in the Oracle Fusion system or for vacant premises.

You access the Customer Dashboard by searching for a customer in the Person and Premise Search page tab, and then clicking on the Customer or Prospect hyperlink.

Clicking a Customer link directs you to the Customer Dashboard. However, clicking a Prospect link will take you to the Customer Dashboard only if the prospect was previously attached to a utility billing account. Otherwise, clicking the Prospect link will take you to the Oracle Fusion Account page.

After accessing the Customer Dashboard, you can complete these tasks:

  • View basic information about the account

  • Compare the current bill to previous bills

  • View financial insights

  • View account insights and warnings

  • View activities

  • View and manage billing information

  • View and manage usage information

This image identifies the key areas of the Customer Dashboard screen:

This image shows an example of the Agent Dashboard and indicates the different areas of the screen.

This table describes the main areas of the Customer Dashboard:

Page Area Description

1. Account Header

The account header provides you with basic information about the entity or account you are viewing. This information can include:

  • Contact name

  • Billing account number

  • Customer class

  • Contact phone

  • Contact email

  • Personal identifiers, such as date of birth or social security number.

If the contact you are viewing is attached to multiple utility billing accounts, an arrow appears next to the Account field that enables you to select the billing account you want to view.

2. Tabs

Each tab in the Customer Dashboard provides you with different information. The tabs include:

  • Overview tab: Displays basic information about the account's current status. This tab is available for all contacts, regardless of whether they are attached to a billing account. However, the information displayed on the tab changes based on whether a billing account exists.

  • Billing tab: Displays billing history for the selected billing account.

  • Usage tab: Displays usage history for the selected billing account.

3. Work Area

After you select a tab, the work area of the screen displays different information, and you can perform different tasks.

Tasks you can complete on the Overview tab include:

  • View basic information about the account

  • Compare the current bill to previous bills

  • View financial insights

  • View account insights and warnings

  • View activities

Tasks you can complete on the Billing tab include:

  • View the billing history chart

  • View financial history details for bills, bill segments, payments, and adjustments.

Tasks you can complete on the Usage tab include:

  • Use the Usage Comparison Chart to view and compare usage data.

In this section:

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