Searching for Key Accounts

When you have questions, issues, or tasks that need to be completed for an account, you can search for that account in the Business List so you can access necessary account information.

To search for account records:

  1. Access CX for Utilities Sales.

  2. Select the Business List page tab.

  3. Select one of these options at the top of the screen to specify which accounts you want to search for:

    • My Accounts This view is displayed by default when you access the Business List, and the records that appear in the work area will include the following, depending on the role of the logged in user:

      • Non-manager roles will see only the accounts for which they are designated as the owner.

      • Supervisors will see all of the accounts for which are designated as the owner and all of the accounts owned by the employees who report to them.

    • Favorites: This view displays all accounts that the logged-in user has marked as a favorite.

    • All Accounts: This view displays all Oracle Fusion accounts.

  4. In the search field, select one of the following:

    • Account name

    • Primary Address

    • Contact information

      If you use this option, you must also select a sub type, which includes name, address, phone number, or email.

    • Industry

    • Billing account ID

    • Premise address

  5. Enter your search text in the search bar, and then hit Enter.

    Be aware that the text you enter in the search bar works in conjunction with the view you have selected. For example, if you select My Accounts, and then search for a business name, it will appear in your search results only if the account is assigned to you.

  6. Notice that the search bar now contains your search term.

  7. To remove search criteria from your search, click the X at the end of the search bar.

  8. When you have found the account you want to view or update, continue to one of these tasks:

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