Finding and Opening a Customer's Account

Customers often have questions that can be easily answered by finding and opening their account. Note: Depending on your utility's setup and configuration, some extra search options may be available.

To find and open a customer's account:

  1. Sign in to the Customer Service Interface.
  2. Go to the Program Management tab.
  3. Fill in one or more of the search fields and click Search. If the search returns one result, an overview of the customer's account is displayed. If the search returned multiple results, a list of results displays.
  4. Optional. If you have trouble finding a customer's account, try another search. It is possible the information was entered incorrectly, or the customer may not be in the Oracle Utilities Opower program. Here are some search tips:
    • If the customer gets a printed Home Energy Report, the best field to search by is the customer’s account number (if available). You can ask the customer to find their account number on the upper right of the front page on their Home Energy Report. If the customer has more than one account number, additional search fields allow you to search by any of the account numbers.
    • If a customer's account number is unavailable, try their first name and/or last name or email address. You can only search by email address if your utility provides the Oracle Utilities Opower web portal to customers.
    • If you only know part of the customer’s name or account number, perform a wildcard search. This feature is useful when only a partial query term is available for a given search field. To do this, clear the Exact Name Matches Only box before clicking Search. Note that a wildcard search cannot be used in the email address field.
    • Understand the "Include Non-recipients" and "Include Inactive Accounts" options. If you include inactive accounts, a column in the search results will indicate if the account is active. If you include non-recipients, a column will indicate if the customer is a recipient.