Affordability FAQs

What is the Affordability Savings Hub?

The Affordability Savings Hub is a web tool designed to help you understand and apply for financial assistance programs at your utility and outside assistance agencies. It includes a simple survey that determines what programs you're eligible for, as well as information and links that help you enroll in the program that is right for you.

Why do I need to take a survey?

The survey presents simple questions about your home and finances. With answers to these questions, the tool can automatically determine your eligibility for various programs, and to suggest which ones you should apply to.

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Can I re-take the survey after completing it?

Yes. Follow the links available to re-take the survey if necessary.

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How can I find out what utility programs I am currently enrolled in?

You can log in to your utility web account to look this up, or I can look it up for you. Note that we may not be able to see all of the programs that you are using, since some of them are not part of the utility.

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Will it cost me anything to enroll in one of the programs?

No. Every financial assistance program is available to you for free.

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