Customer Education Report FAQs

What is the purpose of this report?

The purpose of the AMI Customer Education Report program is to educate customers who recently received a smart meter about the utility tools, programs, communications, and resources they can use to lower their energy use and save on their bills.

Why did I receive this report?

We want to help you take full advantage of your new smart meter by providing personalized energy use insights. We hope that you will continue to explore your smart meter data by using the tools available to you on the Web Portal and enrolling in utility communications designed for customers with smart meters.

Can I opt out of the program?

You will receive two reports as part of the Customer Education Report program. Due to the short length of the program, you cannot opt out of print AMI Customer Education Reports.

To opt out of email AMI Customer Education Reports, click the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email and follow the instructions to opt out.

Warning: If you click Unsubscribe in the email and then click to unsubscribe from all emails, this action is permanent, and you will not be able to opt back in. If you click to opt out of AMI Customer Education Reports only, then you can opt back into them again.

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What is the difference between the "Introduction" report and "Engagement" report?

The Introduction AMI Customer Education Report is the first report in the AMI Customer Education Report program. By default, it is delivered 30 days after smart meter installation. It provides an introduction to smart meters as well as personalized hourly and daily energy use insights. The Introduction AMI Customer Education Report also encourages customers to enroll in other AMI communications offered by the utility.

The Engagement AMI Customer Education Report is the second report in the AMI Customer Education Report program. By default, it is delivered 90 days after the customer installs a smart meter. It directs the customer to utility web pages where they can view more of their energy use trends and enroll in other AMI programs and communications offered by the utility. It also includes an additional smart meter insight, which shows customers the time of day when they use the most energy.

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What is in the reports?

The reports include smart meter FAQs, energy saving tips, and personalized energy use insights based on data from your smart meter. Customer Education Reports also include links to resources where you can learn more about the utility tools, programs, and communications available to customers with smart meters.

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My email is not displaying correctly. Can you help?

Click the Have trouble viewing this? Click here link at the top of the email. A new tab opens in your web browser and your report is displayed the way it is meant to be seen.

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Where can I learn more?

You can follow the URLs provided on the Customer Education Report to learn more about utility smart meter programs and enroll in other smart meter communications.

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