Load Shifting: Rate Coach FAQs

Why did I receive this email?

You are receiving this email because you are enrolled in a Time of Use rate plan. In a Time of Use plan, the cost of electricity depends on the time of day and how the utility defines on-peak versus off-peak hours. We want to help you save money on your electricity bill by shifting your peak energy use to off-peak hours.

How was I selected to be part of this program?

You were selected to be part of this program because you are currently on a Time of Use electricity rate plan. These communications will help you save energy and money during times of day when energy is more expensive.

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How can the report be accurate if I am gone for extended periods of time?

The Rate Coach report is based on data pulled directly from your smart meter that is monitoring the energy usage in your home. Even if you are not actually in your home, there are probably still devices drawing power. For example, your air conditioning and large appliances like refrigerators may still be drawing power even though they cycle on and off. You may also have other devices that are drawing power because they are always plugged in, such as game consoles and security systems. Taken together, these appliances and devices can use a significant amount of energy while you're away.

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I have been gone all month, yet the report says I am using more energy. Why?

There are several possible reasons for why you may have used more energy even though you have been away from your home for a while.

  • You may have many devices or appliances that are drawing power simply because they are plugged in (such as game consoles, security systems, and refrigerators).
  • The weather may have fluctuated considerably. For example, if the weather was very hot while you were away and you kept your thermostat at a static set point, then your air conditioning could have used a lot more energy than usual to keep your home cool during extreme weather.
  • Your electricity rate plan may have changed recently. Time of Use rates often change prices, or the cost of energy during peak hours, or both. If you were not aware of these changes, they could have also led to higher energy costs during peak hours.

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I haven't changed anything, yet the report says I am using more energy. Why?

See the FAQ above about why some customers may use more energy even if they are not home. In short, some reasons may be that (1) you have a large number of devices that are always plugged in, (2) the weather may have fluctuated considerably, or (3) your rate plan may have changed its costs or its on-peak and off-peak hours.

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Can I opt out of these emails?

Yes. You can opt out in several ways. The options available will depend on your utility's setup and program design.

From the web: The recommended method is to use the Digital Self Service - Energy Management Web Portal Account and Preferences section to change your preferences. If you unsubscribe in this way, you will be able to subscribe again in the future.

Note: Some utilities choose to host their own account services. If your utility does not offer the Digital Self Service - Energy Management Web Portal as part of their program, contact your utility for more information about account management.

From an email: Click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email and follow the instructions to opt out.

Warning: If you click Unsubscribe in the email and then click to unsubscribe from all emails, this action is permanent, and you will not be able to opt back in. If you click to opt out of Rate Coach emails only, then you can opt back into them at a later time.

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Can I opt back in after I have opted out?

It depends on how you opted out. If you clicked to unsubscribe from all emails, then you cannot opt back in. If you clicked to opt out of Rate Coach emails only, you can opt back into them at a later time.

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