
There are two methods available for authenticating users who log in to the CSI: single sign-on and standalone account management.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Implementing SSO allows users to use a single username and password to access both the CSI and any existing internal utility web systems. Oracle Utilities supports using SAML 2.0 to implement SSO with utilities. All usernames and passwords are created, maintained, and updated on the utility site. Users can access the CSI by clicking on links from the utility site that direct the user to the CSI, or by navigating directly to the CSI and being directed back to the internal utility site for account creation or authentication. See the Oracle Utilities Opower Customer Service Interface SSO Configuration Guide for details.

Standalone Account Management

Standalone account management is available to users who are not using SSO to access the CSI. A user can access the CSI by opening an Internet browser and navigating to the URL of their utility’s designated CSI website. Each user accessing the tool is provided with a username and temporary password when the utility joins the Oracle Utilities Opower program.

Initial Log In: A user enters their username and temporary password to log in. The user has three attempts to log in properly before the account is locked. If an account becomes locked, a Customer Service Administrator must reset the user’s password and notify the user of the temporary password.

Creating a Password: Once the correct login information is entered, users are prompted to create a personal password to replace the temporary password. The default minimum password length is eight characters. Depending on the setup and configuration of the application, three out of four of the following requirements must then be met:

  • Minimum of 2 lowercase letters
  • Minimum of 1 uppercase letter
  • Minimum of 2 digits
  • Minimum of 1 symbol

After successful password creation, users are shown the search page of the Program Management tab.

Changing a Password: Users who are logged in always have the option to click a link at the top of the application to change their password. Users are then required to enter their current password, a new password, and the new password again for confirmation. Users can also reset their password using the Forgot Password? link on their utility’s designated CSI website. An email will be sent that contains instructions and a link to reset their password.

Automatic Log Out: Users are automatically logged out after 30 minutes of inactivity.

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