Database Configuration
The Conversion Tool Kit requires at least two sets of schema. One is to hold the staging data that the conversion tool gets the data from and performs validations. We call this schema the staging database. The target schema, which is referred to as the production database, is where the conversion tool inserts the validated data. Both the production database and the staging databases can reside in a single Oracle database or in different databases that are connected via a database link. Only the single database configuration is supported.
The following schematic diagram shows a sample configuration of both the production and staging environments in which the Conversion Tool Kit operates. The production and staging databases must be the same release level. This schematic diagram shows a sample configuration of both the production and staging environments in which the Conversion Tool Kit operates.
All the tables and views for the application are defined in the production database. The staging database has the same set of tables and views as the production database, except the tables that are grouped as part of the business configuration (control tables). Details on the differences of the tables of the two databases and of the conversion tool functionality are found in the Conversion Tool document.