Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management Batch Controls

It is important to properly manage the order and frequency with which batch processes are run. Below is a list of batch jobs which, if scheduled, must be in the order listed. These are recommended settings (not requirements) based on which aspects of the system you are using and your business practices.

To find the details for batch controls, reference the Batch Control record and then look at the maintenanceObject Parameter.

Refer to Defining Batch Controls in the Oracle Utilities Application Framework documentation for information on controlling the order in which the processes run, scheduling processes, and other details.

Scheduled Monitor Processes

Batch controls are listed here in the general sequence that they should be run:
Batch Control Description Suggested Freq.


Financial Transaction Periodic Monitor Process

Invokes monitoring rules associated with the current state of financial transactions. All monitoring rules throughout the financial transaction's business object's inheritance chain are considered.

By default, the process periodically monitors financial transactions whose current state is not associated with a batch code.

Batch parameters govern whether the processing is further restricted by batch code, business object and status.

This processing also transitions objects from Created status to Populate GL Details to Frozen, as applicable. If the system encounters errors, the object is transitioned to Error. For example the GL number might not be able to be generated because of an incorrect cost center/expense code combination. There is a monitor on the error state to try again.

The error state creates a To Do. Users can always manually try to freeze the FT. However if the issue that caused the error has been fixed, the monitor will take care of the FT and To Do before users take actions.

The W1-GLDL process, GL Download Extract, extracts and downloads the general ledger details.



Approval Request Periodic Monitor Process

Manages transitioning of approval requests and routing them to the appropriate approvers. For example, if the current approver times out due to not responding in the alotted amount of time, this processing moves the approval request to the next approver.

Daily. Approver time out is defined as number of days.


Activity Resource Requirement

Users can indicate a future ‘Reservation’ date on Material Requirements and the system will try to reserve the material when that date becomes current.

Run several times a day.


Activity MO Periodic Monitor Process

Updates the activity Held For Parts flag based on availability in inventory. The monitor can be scheduled to re-evaluate the Held for Parts flag on all active activities against inventory quantity changes causes by stock re-order, material issue or return.

This monitor also auto-activates approved activities based on the Activation Date/Time on an activity which defines a future activation date. The system will activate the activity once it is both approved and the ‘Activation Date’ becomes current.

Daily. Available inventory changes by the hour, however your implementation should avoid running this batch job too often, as it places a heavy burden on the system.


Work Order MO Periodic Monitor Process

Causes the system to automatically close completed work orders after the indicated number of days after completion.

This is relevant for auto close and service schedules.



Timesheet MO Periodic Monitor Process

Posts approved timesheets to create financial transactions and entries in the general ledger.

Daily or weekly (if time period on timesheets is weekly).


ODC MO Periodic Monitor Process

Posts approved direct charges to create financial transactions and to the general ledger.



Cost Center Periodic Monitor Process

Calculates monthly and year to date statistics per cost center.

Note that users can also click a button online to calculate the statistics on demand.



Asset Type Monitor Process

Calculates asset type average cost statistics.



Crew Shift Periodic Monitor Process

Maintains crew shift status.



Asset Periodic Monitor Process

Monitors preventive maintenance triggers to create the related work orders.

This monitor also creates PM Forecast records for the Asset. Your implementation can define the number of days to generate the future forecast, or planning horizon. For example, 1825 days would be 5 years of PM forecasts for all triggers. The planning horizon is controlled by a parameter on the W1-ASTMNTMON algorithm.



Blanket Contract Header Monitor Process

Transitions blanket contracts that are awaiting activation to Active when future blanket contracts become current.



Stock Item Detail MO Periodic Monitor Process

Causes the stock item detail to monitor itself to check it’s reorder levels and creates the reorder review as necessary.

This batch control also monitors lot expiration dates.

Note that W1–SID is the batch job for reorder review, not W1–RR. W1–RR is the standard monitor batch control delivered with the reorder review maintenance object, however, it does not perform the processing of creating reorder review records.



Batch Stock Reorder Monitor Process

Creates the purchasing documents based on reorder review records.

Daily. (after W1-SID)


GL Download Extract

Extracts and downloads the general ledger details by creating a flat file.

The GL batch control code is defined in the Financial Master Configuration.



Statistic Monitor Process

Calculates home page statistics.



Shft Wkly Templt Periodic Monitor Process

Creates new shifts based on templates.



Inbound Communication Periodic Monitor Process (both ODM and WAM)

If an external system sends inbound communications to WAM, e.g. to complete activity, this batch job needs to be run to process those inbound communications. Base BO’s have a deferred monitor algorithm on the initial state, which moves the inbound communication to the next state and is only executed when the batch is run. The reason why that monitor is a deferred is to avoid error(s) upon creation of the message.

As often as needed.


Material Disposition Monitor Process

Closes material dispositions after the assets have been processed (e.g. the new asset has been installed and the old asset have been either repaired and returned to a storeroom or retired).



Svc Sched WO MO Periodic Monitor Process

ODM only— this monitor is only relevant to activity generators in ‘Template’ state.

Create activity generator, from a template, based on the schedule defined on service history.



Maintenance Schedule Periodic Monitor Process

Calculate preventive maintenance statistics. This batch job must run in order to generate the statistics that are displayed on the Analytics tab in the PM Schedule portal.



Maintenance Trigger Periodic Monitor Process

Calculate failure statistics.



Warranty Periodic Monitor Process

This process monitors the warranty BO’s active status to update the warranty to an “expired” status when the terms of the warranty is reached and to create a To Do when the warranty is about to expire.



Activity Checklist Monitor Process

Monitors the Activity Checklist by looking at all instances of the Checklist MO whose current state has monitor algorithms defined and, if so, invokes those monitor algorithms.

Associated algorithm checks that all Mandatory Checklist Line Items are completed prior to allowing the Checklist to enter the Complete state.



Activity Checklist Type Monitor Process

Monitors all instances of the MO whose current state has monitor algorithms defined and, if so, invokes those monitor algorithms.



Resource Type Maintenance Object Monitor Batch Process

Monitors the Resource Types (Craft, Stock Item, Equipment, and Other) in order to maintain the Average Unit Price (AUP) field on the Stock Item, NOT the Stock Item Detail.

The AUP on the Stock Item is the average unit price for that stock item across all storerooms.



CU Contractor Bid Periodic Monitor Process

Moves CU Contractor Bids through various lifecycle states including activating the bid once it reaches its effective date and expiring it once the expiration date is reached.



Fixed Asset Extract

For use with construction work management functionality: An external Fixed Asset Management system which manages the depreciation of fixed assets can interface with Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management to retrieve fixed assets. This batch code creates a flat file to send these fixed assets to the external system. This batch code must also be referenced on the Construction Parameter Work Order Master Configuration to complete the following for fixed assets:
  • send fixed assets to an external system
  • to add a retired fixed asset entry to the general process table

  • to add an accept or return line entry to the general ledger for fixed assets
  • to add a cancel line entry to the general ledger for a stock item that is a capital spare


General Monitor Processes

Monitor controls are available in the base package so that if your implementation does add monitor algorithms to a business object for the related maintenance object, the batch control already exists to run. As delivered, the maintenance object instances current state does not reference a monitor process.