Business Configuration Tables
Installation Options
The installation option has only one row that is shipped with the initial installation of Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Management. The updateable columns in these tables are customer data and will not be overridden by the upgrade process unless a special script is written and included in the upgrade process.
Initial Data
Create Field Activity Str Stop: Yes
Premise Geo Type Usage: Required
Alternate Representation: None
CTI Integration : No
Person ID Usage: Required
Start Stop Detail Threshold : 30
Bill Segment Freeze Option: Freeze At Will
Accounting Date Freeze Option: Change If Period Is Closed
Rollover Threshold Factor : 0.7
User Can Override Bill Date : Yes
Use High/Low Failures on Bill : Yes
Base Time : 01/01/1900 02:00:00 AM
Start Day Option: Current Day
Use Alternative Bill ID : No (Yes, for upgrading customers that use Sequential Numbers)
Alternative Bill ID Option : None ('Sequential Numbers', for upgrading customers that use Sequential Numbers)
Use Credit Notes: No
Autopay Creation Option: Create At Bill Completion
Fund Accounting: Not Practiced
Alternate Currency : Not Allowed