ILM Implementation Components
The ILM based solution contains a number of components.
ILM Specific Table Columns - For any Maintenance Object (MO) that has been configured to support ILM, the primary table of the MO includes two columns: ILM Date and ILM Archive Switch.
ILM_DT - This date column is defaulted to an appropriate date (typically the system date) when a new record is inserted, the MO is partitioned on the ILM_DT, so it should only be updated in exceptional circumstances as this would cause the record to be deleted from its current partition and inserted into a different partition, which is a relatively expensive operation.
ILM_ARCHIVE_SW - This field is set to N (Not yet eligible for archiving) when a new record is inserted. Subsequent reviews of "old" records may assess the data and change the value to "Y" based on business rules indicating that the record is eligible to be archived.
Database Referential Integrity Constraints - These are required for reference partitioning of Child tables of ILM enabled MOs
Partitioning - Partitioning is mandatory for ILM implementation. It is used to separate the data by ILM date so that data of a similar age is kept together.
One Tablespace per Partition - The ILM implementation requires that each MO partition resides in a dedicated tablespace so that they can be easily managed.