Next Best Action

The Next Best Action widget provides dynamic, actionable tips and promotions that can be shared with all customers, or targeted to specific customer groups. The tips are displayed as mobile-responsive web banners containing information about valuable solutions and helpful tools for managing energy use and costs.

On this page:


Same as listed in the product-wide requirements. A segmentation process is used to determine which banners to display to business customers. This process can include presenting banners based on specific attributes or criteria, such as whether a customer is authenticated or not. Your Oracle Utilities Delivery Team will work with you to configure the banners in support of your program goals.

User Experience

Banners can be displayed on any page to promote utility-specific programs and promotions, deliver notifications and tips, and suggest the best next web action to take.

Next Best Action banner that displays a message to the customer to review energy savings tips by clicking a get started link, along with the option to skip the suggestion

Headline: A headline appears at the top of the widget to highlight the suggested action. Many banners use a "What you can do next" headline by default to keep the customer focused on actionable steps.

Icon: A graphical icon provides a visual to supplement the banner message.

Banner Message: The message provides additional information on the action that is being recommended to the customer.

Skip Button: Customers can select to skip the action listed. This displays the next available Next Best Action banner to the customer. If the customer skips through all banners, the customer is shown the first banner again.

Call to Action Button: A button with applicable messaging for the action redirects the customer to the valuable opportunities, solutions, or helpful tools to complete the suggested action.

Note: Utilities can choose to configure banners that a customer can completely close from view. The banner remains hidden for the customer from the current user session and reappears on subsequent user sessions. For more information, see the Next Best Action topic in the Oracle Utilities Opower Digital Self Service - Energy Management Configuration Guide.

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User Experience Variations

Custom Banners

Next Best Action banners can vary widely by utility and by the type of promotional information they contain. The design and content are generally decided upon through collaboration between the utility and Oracle Utilities Opower.

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Single Sign-On

For utilities that enable single sign-on (SSO), the Next Best Action banners allow customers to click through to utility-hosted pages without needing to log in. For utilities that do not enable SSO, a customer must log in before they are redirected to a utility-hosted page.

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