Energy Use Overview

The Energy Use Overview displays the most recent bill period’s energy use in comparison to that of a bill from the same bill period for the previous year.

Energy Use Overview, which uses a bar graph to show a customer's energy use over a given time period.

Embedding Guidelines

Widget Name: widget-usage-overview

  • This widget acts as a customer's energy dashboard and is well-suited for a primary location on the utility website, such as the initial landing page after the customer has been authenticated. User research and customer interviews have shown that utility customers prefer personal comparison information available with this widget.
  • You can also consider embedding this widget on the same page as the Highest Energy Use Days widget. When viewed together, these widgets make it easy for customers to see current use, explore details over time, and recognize use trends and patterns.

For more information about Energy Use Overview, including details about its data requirements and the overall user experience, see the Energy Use Overview description in the product overview.