Ways to Save

Ways to Save presents a personalized selection of energy saving tips. Customers can browse through the available tips to learn how they can save energy.

When embedding the Ways to Save widget, a single widget includes all components in an experience that is hosted on a single webpage. A query parameter ou-wts-state is automatically passed to direct users to the correct component. The host webpage allows this query parameter to be passed. The parameter lets customers browse tip guides, browse the list of tips in those guides, and review details of a particular tip. An example of this browsing workflow is described below.

On this page:

Tip Guides

Ways to Save displays a collection of tip guides to customers. Tips are organized into behavior-oriented, seasonal, and end-use guides that provide customers with relevant cost-savings recommendations.

Ways to save landing page, which includes collections energy saving tips displayed as tip guides. Customers can also view tips they have saved or completed.

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Tips List

Customers can select a tip guide to view the list of tips included in that guide. From this list of tips, customers can review high-level information about each tip, and select a tip to view additional details.

Ways to Save Tips List, which displays the tips for an applicable tip guide. Customers can select a tip to view additional information about the tip.

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Tip Details

Customers can select a tip to view reasons why they should complete a tip. An option to Read More about the tip displays all available information for the tip.

A breadcrumb link is included to allow customers to return to the list of tips.

Ways to Save Tip Details, which displays information related to teh tip such as potential savings and up-front costs.

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Home Energy Analysis Call-to-Action

At the top of the Ways to Save page, you can embed a call-to-action widget that encourages customers to complete the Home Energy Analysis in order to receive better tips. See Home Energy Analysis Call-to-Action for more information.

Image of home energy analysis call to action

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Embeddable Guidelines

Widget Name: widget-ways-to-save

  • This widget is well-suited for embedding in sections that use the full width of the page. Consider the use of tabs, accordions, or other elements that can show or hide content when embedding this widget on a webpage along with other widgets and content.
  • Ways to Save can support authenticated and pre-authenticated experiences. To support both, the widget must be embedded twice, once on an authenticated webpage, and once on a pre-authenticated webpage.
  • Ways to Save is intended for customers who have analyzed their energy use and are ready to take action. Other products and widgets (such as High Bill Alerts AMI, Weekly Energy Updates, and the Home Energy Analysis) can send customers directly to Ways to Save to learn about practical next steps. Since many customers are redirected to this widget, prominent utility site location is not as important a factor to drive user interaction with this widget.

For more information about Ways to Save, including details about its data requirements and the overall user experience, see the resources below.

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