Providing Customer Support

Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) with the proper permissions can use their Oracle Utilities product, such as Customer Care and Billing, to access the Digital Self Service - Transactions Web Portal. If you are unsure if your account has been granted the proper permissions to perform the support activities listed in this documentation, contact your supervisor.

A CSR can log in to their Oracle Utilities product and search for a specific customer as well as search for accounts associated with a web user. These searches can be done based on name and address, account ID, person contact, person ID type or value, and geographical type or value such as street name. The Web User Summary zone allows CSRs to review and manage web users of Digital Self Service - Transactions that are linked to a customer's account, including the following tasks:

  • Unlink web users from accounts and remove the associated account-person relationships.
  • Use the Self-Service Task Query to view a self-service task and take additional action on any open or non-final self-service tasks.

The available information in the Web User Summary zone includes summary information for accounts linked to web users, a list of financially responsible web users, a web user's role for an account, and a summary of open and non-final self-service tasks for web users.

A CSR can also log in to their Oracle Utilities product to search for a customer and then view the Digital Self Service - Transactions Web Portal as that customer. If a customer has a question about the Digital Self Service - Transactions Web Portal or their energy use, this allows the CSR to reference what the customer can see. This process is also referred to as masquerading. Additionally, CSRs can administer the customer's account, including making modifications to their preferences and account information.

The CSR user accounts must be configured for the appropriate level of access, as described in the Oracle Utilities Opower Digital Self Service - Transactions Configuration Guide.


Masquerading can be enabled for CSR users to allow CSR users to access and view Digital Self Service - Transactions as a customer. Masquerading provides access to the following features and tasks:

  • Web User Summary Zone: The Web User Summary zone provides a link for CSRs to masquerade as the web user.
  • Masquerade Acknowledgement Prompt: The masquerade acknowledgement prompt requires a CSR to confirm that they want to proceed prior to masquerading as the customer. This is to ensure that a CSR fully understands that any changes made to the account during a masquerade session affect the customer’s account. For information on configuring the message for this prompt, see the Oracle Utilities Opower Digital Self Service - Transactions Configuration Guide.
  • CSR Banner: The CSR masquerade banner is a visual indicator displayed at the top of the Digital Self Service - Transactions Web Portal during the masquerade session. This banner confirms to CSRs that they are masquerading as a customer rather than logged into their own account. For information on configuring the message for this banner, see the Oracle Utilities Opower Digital Self Service - Transactions Configuration Guide.
  • Entitlements: Entitlements allow utilities to enable or disable CSR access to sensitive tasks such as making a credit card payment or making a change in the identity management system. By default, CSRs cannot access third-party systems during a masquerade session. For information on enabling entitlements, see the Oracle Utilities Opower Digital Self Service - Transactions Configuration Guide.
  • Self-Service Task Logging: When a CSR makes a change on behalf of the customer while masquerading as that customer, all self-service tasks are logged with the CSR's information instead of the customer’s information. This allows easy identification of self-service tasks that are completed by CSRs. The following table lists the self-service task information differences when comparing self-service tasks created by a customer and by a CSR:
Self-Service Task Details Field Created By Customer Created By CSR
Web User ID The webUserName for the customer account. The csrID for the CSR account.
Email Address The emailAddress for the customer account. Not applicable
IP Address The applicable IP address for the customer's system. The applicable IP address for the CSR's system.
Self-Service User ID The webUserID for the customer account. The webUserID for the customer account.