Time of Use Daily Peak

For customers with electric time of use rate plans, load-shaping insights can be included in the Email Home Energy Report using the Time of Use Daily Peak module. This module is designed to educate utility customers about their time of use rate plan and to encourage them to shift energy use to off-peak hours.

This module displays a customer's peak and off-peak usage during weekdays and weekends. Typically, a utility's peak time rates are different on weekdays and weekends.

This module should replace the Daily Peak module in the Email Home Energy Report for customers who are on a time of use rate plan.

This image shows an example of the BLS Daily Peak module.

Configuration Options:

  • Peak Period Names: Peak period names identify each period during the day that has a specific rate. You can specify the names of the peak, off-peak, and partial-peak periods. By default the names are Peak and Off-peak.
  • Peak Time Price Ratio in Insight Statement: The insight statement identifies how much more expensive electricity is during peak hours. For example, electricity might be 1.5x more expensive during peak hours. By default, the value is automatically calculated based on the rate plan details we get from the client. However, this value can be manually entered here.
  • Peak Time Color: The bars in the graph can use the utility's color palette, and should be configured to use the same peak colors as the modules in the Time of Use Coach emails if both features are implemented. Partial-peak colors can also be configured.