
Oracle Utilities coordinates with a third-party email platform to send Email Home Energy Reports. This platform provides Oracle Utilities with information on send, bounces, opens, opt-outs, unsubscribes, and click-throughs. Oracle Utilities does not track the web behavior of a customer after they have clicked on a link in the Email Home Energy Report.

For programs that include both email and paper reports, [Email Home Energy Reports are usually generated during the same week as the corresponding paper [Home Energy Reports are generated.

Content is delivered directly in the email message with no attachments. This makes it more convenient for customers to quickly view the information, and it makes the emails less likely to be blocked by spam filters.

Delivery Cadence

Oracle Utilities supports the following delivery frequencies for Email Home Energy Report programs: monthly, bi-monthly, and quarterly. Because the reports are generated from data from the latest utility bill for each customer, the delivery cadence will depend on each customer's billing dates and the program design specified in your statement of work.

Delivery Options

For programs that include both email and paper reports, Email Home Energy Reports are usually generated during the same week as the corresponding Home Energy Reports. Email Home Energy Reports are typically sent on Friday afternoons so that customers will have time to review the reports over the weekend. However, delivery may be configured for days other than Friday. Ask your Service Delivery Manager which delivery options are best suited to your program.

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