Electric Vehicle Feel Good

The electric vehicle feel good module is a static message that reminds customers of the positive impact of their electric vehicle use despite higher home energy use. This module appears in every electric vehicle edition Email Home Energy Report. In the first report, the module aims to deliver a reassuring "feel good" message to electric vehicle drivers who have seen a significant uptick in energy use from charging an electric vehicle at home. After the second report, this module slot can be replaced with utility-specific content or marketing modules.

Image of  electric vehicle feel good module

Heading: The module heading is positive and supportive of the customer's electric vehicle use.

Feel good message: The module message includes a reminder that while the electric vehicle customer's home energy use may be higher than it used to be, they are making a positive contribution to every conservation by reducing their carbon footprint, and saving money over the long-term.

Requirements and Limitations

Fuel: Electric and dual fuel

AMI Data Required: Hourly AMI, and appliance detection and disaggregation.

Data History: Billing data for the previous billing period.

Billing Frequency: Monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly.