Heating Analysis Pie Chart

The Heating Analysis Pie Chart displays the customer's estimated heating-related energy consumption from last season as a percentage of their total energy consumption. It is paired with a brief message that indicates their estimated heating costs. The goal of this module is to help customers better understand how they use energy during the hearing season.

Image of the heating analysis pie show with a learn more button

Title: The title focuses on heating-related energy use in the winter season.

Pie Chart: The pie chart highlights the estimated proportion of the customer's total energy consumption that is attributed to heating during the past winter.

Insight: The pie chart is paired with an insight that may consist of two parts: an energy efficiency insight and a cost insight.

Energy Efficiency Insight: All customers receive an energy efficiency insight, which say that they can lower their bills by heating their home more efficiently.

Cost Insight : If a customer's total estimated heating costs are more than $10, they will see an estimated amount of money they spent on heating last winter. This insight will not be displayed if the $10 threshold is not met.

Heating % Insight: The default threshold for the heating percentage is 10%. The module will not display if this threshold is not met.

Comparison Information: This section appears below the bar chart and identifies the date range of the data. There is also a brief statement to indicate that the data is based on the customer's energy use patterns, as well as local weather patterns.

Learn More / Call to Action: Customer can click Learn More to view their Home Energy Analysis in the Oracle Utilities web portal.

Requirements and Limitations

Fuel Type: Electric-only, gas-only, and dual fuel.

AMI Data Required: N/A.

Data History: At least 12 bills in the last 18 months or at least six bills

Billing Frequency: Monthly, bimonthly.