Personal Tracker

The Personal Tracker provides a historical view of the customer’s energy use-to-date with the goal of comparing the current year to the previous year. The Personal Tracker can show as few as three historical bills or as many as two years of historical bills. A message appears above the chart comparing the customer’s recent use to their historical use. Gas-only and dual fuel customers see a variation in the units of energy displayed. The electricity unit “kWh” is replaced by “therms” for gas-only customers and “units” for dual fuel customers.

Image of Personal Tracker that show a historical view of a customer's energy use to date

Insight Statement: An insight message displays above the chart to explain the customer's energy use. The message varies depending on how much data is available. For example, if less than 13 bills are available for the customer, but at least three bills are available, the message compares energy use in the current bill period to that of the previous bill period (as opposed to energy use from the same bill period in the previous year).

Bar Chart: The bar chart displays the customer's bills over time and provides a comparison to previous energy use if enough data is available. When 13 or more historical bills are available, a double bar chart compares the customer's energy use on each bill in the current year to their energy use on each corresponding bill from the previous year. If less than 13 bills are available, but at least three bills are available, a bar chart shows the customer's energy use on each available bill.

Negative Usage or Missing Bills: In cases where there is negative energy use or a bill is missing, an asterisk appears next to the corresponding y-axis label, and a message at the bottom of the module explains the possible reasons for the missing data. In the image below, there was negative energy use for the May 17th bill in the current year, and a comparable bill for February of 2016 could not be found.

Fuel: Electric-only, gas-only, and dual fuel

AMI Data Required: No

Data History: A minimum of three historical bills

Billing Frequency: Monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly

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