Post-Audit Home Profile

The Post-Audit Home Profile can be included in the first Email Home Energy Report that a customer receives after completing the Home Energy Analysis in the Energy Efficiency Web Portal. It is designed to introduce customers to their new personalized Email Home Energy Report by providing a summary of their responses to the audit, and informing customers that both their report and tips have been updated based on their home attributes. When included in an Email Home Energy Report, the Post-Audit Home Profile appears at the top of the report, below the header.

Image of Post-Audit Home Profile with a review your profile button

  • Introductory Message: A message appears at the top of the module to describe that the Email Home Energy Report has been updated based on the customer's home attributes.
  • List of Home Attributes: The module includes a list of eight home attributes, including home type, home size, and heating type. Across from each attribute is the customer's response to the attribute from the completed What Uses Most audit or Home Energy Analysis. The eight attributes displayed in the module were chosen because they are the most helpful to Oracle Utilities in personalizing the Email Home Energy Report. If an attribute is still unknown for a customer after they have completed the audit, then it is excluded from the list of attributes in the Post-Audit Home Profile.
  • "Update your home profile" Message: A message appears at the bottom of the module that informs customers they can update their home profile by returning to the What Uses Most audit or Home Energy Analysis.

Requirements and Limitations

Fuel: Electric-only, gas-only, and dual fuel.

AMI Data Required: N/A.

Data History: N/A.

Billing Frequency: N/A.