Time of Use 101

The Time of Use 101 module educates customers about when electricity is most expensive based on their time of use rate plan. The module provides customers with information such as:

  • Whether electricity prices differ on weekdays and weekends
  • How much more expensive peak prices are than off-peak prices
  • The hours during which electricity is most expensive
  • A visual timeline that displays off-peak, partial-peak, and peak hours

The type of module a customer receives depends on their time of use rate plan and whether the customer receives the Time of Use Welcome Report or Time of Use Progress Report.

Appears in: Time of Use Report

Time of Use 101 Welcome

The welcome version of the module is included in the Time of Use Welcome Report. It educates customers about their specific rate plan at the specific time the report is generated and why saving during peak is especially important. It also provides the customer with an example of how avoiding high energy appliances, like running the dryer, during peak hours can have a positive impact on their bill. The module varies by whether the customer has a simple or complex rate plan, and whether or not they are confirmed to have a clothing dryer. The following example is for a customer with a complex rate plan that includes a weekday single peak and no weekend peak.

The image below shows an example of Time of Use 101 welcome version of the module for a customer with a weekly peak period, and no weekend or holiday peak periods.

Time of Use 101 Welcome module for a customer with weekend and holiday peaka

Heading: The heading informs the customer that there are simple steps that they can take to save energy during peak hours.

Illustration: The illustration includes on-peak times highlighted to help aid in communicating peak hours.

Body Text: The body text identifies the dryer as one of the largest energy using appliances in the home and, therefore, costs a lot to run during peak hours.

Weekday Subheading and graph: The weekday subheader is dynamic by rate plan and tells customers how much more their energy costs during the peak hours. The graph notes the price ratio and relevant peak hours:

  • Weekday Price Ratio: The weekday price ratio is dynamic by rate plan and compares the most expensive rate to the least expensive rate.
  • Weekday Peak Hours: The weekday peak hours displays the most expensive period for the week.

Weekend Subheading and graph: The weekend subheader is dynamic by rate plan and notes whether or not there are peak hours on weekends and holidays.

  • Weekend Price Ratio: If the utility has weekend peak hours, the ratio is dynamic by rate plan and compares the most expensive rate to the least expensive rate.
  • Weekend Peak Hours: If the utility has weekend peak hours, the peak hours displays the most expensive period for the weekend.

Graph labels: The graph labels identify which periods in the graphs fall into peak, mid-peak, or off-peak hours.

  • Peak hours: The high cost period label displays the most expensive time range. It is dynamically rendered based on the customer's rate plan details.
  • Mid-peak hours: The medium cost period label displays neither the most or least expensive time range. It is dynamically rendered based on rate plan details..
  • Off-peak hours: The low cost period label displays the least expensive time range. It is dynamically rendered based on rate plan details.

Call to Action: The call to action invites the customer to view their full plan details and provides a link to the utility's rate plan page.

Time of Use 101 Progress

In the Time of Use Progress Report, serves the dual purpose of educating customers about their specific rate plan at the specific time the report is generated and providing educational information about why saving during peak is especially important. The module includes a heading, weekday graph, weekend graph, explainer, call-to-action, and seasonal details where applicable.

The image below shows an example of the Time of Use 101 progress version of the module for a customer with a single, weekday peak, no weekend peak hours, and a seasonal variation.

Image of time of use 101 module for a customer with a single, weekday peak, no weekend peak hours, and  a seasonal variation

Heading: The heading tells the customer that they can save money by using less energy during peak hours.

Weekday Subheading and graph: The weekday subheader is dynamic by rate plan and tells customers how much more their energy costs during the peak hours. The graph notes the price ratio and relevant peak hours:

  • Weekday Price Ratio: The weekday price ratio is dynamic by rate plan and compares the most expensive rate to the least expensive rate.
  • Weekday Peak Hours: The weekday peak hours displays the most expensive period for the week.

Weekend Subheading and Graph: The weekend subheader notes whether or not there are peak hours on weekends.

  • Weekend Price Ratio: If the utility has weekend peak hours, the ratio is dynamic by rate plan and compares the most expensive rate to the least expensive rate.
  • Weekend Peak Hours: If the utility has weekend peak hours, the peak hours displays the most expensive period for the weekend.

Graph Labels: The graph labels identify which periods in the graphs fall into peak, mid-peak, or off-peak hours.

  • Peak Hours: The high cost period label displays the most expensive time range. It is dynamically rendered based on the customer's rate plan details.
  • Mid-peak Hours: The medium cost period label displays neither the most or least expensive time range. It is dynamically rendered based on rate plan details.
  • Off-peak Hours: The low cost period label displays the least expensive time range. It is dynamically rendered based on rate plan details.

Explainer: The details section explains to the customer why it matters when they use energy.

Seasonal Details: The seasonal details section notes the dates that apply to the TOU schedule if the rate plan includes seasonal variations. For example, "This Time-of-Use schedule lasts [May 1-Sep 30]." If the rate plan does not include a seasonal variation, the seasonal details section is omitted.

Call to Action: The call to action invites the customer to view their full plan details and provides a link to the utility's rate plan page.

Requirements and Limitations

Fuel: Electric-only, gas-only, dual fuel.

Data Required: Modeled Rates

Data History: Not applicable.

Billing Frequency: Monthly or bi-monthly.

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