Utility Info

The Utility Info module appears at the bottom of the back page of every report. The module contains sections for frequently asked questions, utility contact information, legal disclaimers, and additional resources.

Image of the Utility Info module

  • Frequently asked questions: By default, four standard FAQs are provided in this section about the customer's energy type and the report content.
  • We're here to help: This section contains utility customer service contact information, such as the phone number, email, or website where customers can get support.
  • Find more energy saving purchases: This section provides a website address associated with the Home Energy Report program. The language in this section is similar to the language in the Johnson Box of the Header module that is required to receive preferred postage rates.
  • Phone Opt-Out: A phone number is provided for customers to call to opt-out of receiving reports. Opting out of reports using this method is permanent. Customers cannot opt-in to receive reports at a later time. This functionality is operated by Oracle Utilities Opower.

The content of this module can be customized for individual utilities and different fuel types.

Fuel: N/A

AMI Data Required: N/A

Data History: N/A

Billing Frequency: N/A

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