
The Announcement module states the intent of the report. It includes text and an image that either welcomes customers to their new report experience or acknowledges a change to the customer's program.

Appears in: Welcome and Announcement Report, Limited Income Report,


The content of the module varies depending on whether the customer receives a welcome or announcement version of the report.

Welcome and Announcement Report

Welcome Report

The welcome version of the module introduces the customer to their new report experience and clearly indicates that subsequent reports are not bills. This image shows an example of the Announcement module design for a new customer that receives a Welcome Report.

Image of a welcome report

Announcement Report

The announcement version of the module it is customized to support the announcement type selected by the utility. This image shows an example of the module customized for an Announcement Report.

Image of Announcement module customized for an Announcement Report

Time of Use Report

The Announcement module in the Time of Use Welcome Report emphasizes the report message of the importance of saving energy at all times, while also educating customers about the additional benefits of saving during peak hours. The module varies slightly for new and legacy customers.

Time of Use Welcome Report - New Customer

Image of announcement module time of use welcome report for a new customer

Time of Use Welcome Report - Legacy Customer

Image of a Time of Use Welcome Report for a Legacy Customer

Limited Income Report

The Announcement module in the Limited Income Report emphasizes the report message of how saving energy can help the customer save money. The module varies slightly for new and legacy customers.

Limited Income Welcome Report- New Customer

Image of limited income welcome report for new customers

Limited Income Welcome Report- Legacy Customer

Image of limited income welcome report for a legacy customer

Configuration Options

For each element listed in the table, indicate the desired configuration in the Input Value column. If you do not provide an input for optional configurations, the default will be used.

Configuration Option Input Value
Heading - Welcome Report, Limited Income Report



  • New customer: "Welcome to your Home Energy Report"
  • Legacy customer: "What's new in your Home Energy Report"


Choose one of the following:

  • Use the default.
  • Provide alternate text.

Heading - Announcement Report

The Announcement Report heading is customized to support the announcement type selected by the utility.

Default: Not applicable.


Contact your Delivery Team about customizing the Announcement module.

Announcement text - Welcome Report


"In addition to your bill, these personalized reports helps you save energy, which helps us deliver, more reliable energy. Each report (including this one!) uses your actual energy use data, so you can get relevant tips and insights. Other Utiliy Co customers have already saved a total of $XX.XX with their reports - and now you can start saving, too."


Choose one of the following:

  • Use the default.
  • Provide alternate text.

Announcement text - Time of Use Welcome Report

New Customer Default:

"In addition to your bill, these personalized reports helps you save energy, which helps us deliver clean energy. And since you're on a Time-of-Use (TOU) plan, you'll also get helpful information to get you the most out of it. Each report (including this one) uses your actual energy use data, so you can get relevant tips and insights."

Legacy Default:

"To help you save even more energy, we've made some updates to these reports. Since You're on a Time-of-Use plan, your reports will now include useful information to help you shift your energy use and save more during peak hours. You'll still get your usual energy tips and insights, so you can keep on saving no matter what time of day it is."


Choose one of the following:

  • Use the default.
  • Provide alternate text.

Announcement text - Announcement Report

Default: Not applicable.


Contact your Delivery Team about configuring the Announcement module copy.

Announcement text - Limited Income Report

New Customer Default: 

"These reports are designed to help you save energy and money, so your energy bill can be one less thing to worry about. So, in addition to your usual bill, we’re sending these personalized reports to show you areas of your home you should focus on reducing. These reports have already saved UtilityCo customers a total of $XX.XX—and now you can start saving, too."

Legacy Default:

"Our goal with these reports has always been to help you save energy and money, so your energy bill can be one less thing to worry about. In fact, you and other UtilityCo customers have already saved a combined total of $500,000 with these reports—and now we’re ready to help you save even more."


Choose one of the following:

  • Use the default.
  • Provide alternate text.


The module image must support the welcome or utility announcement message.


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User Experience Variations

The user experience varies for customers depending upon their service types, available data, costs, and locale. Note that the following list indicates the primary user experience variations, not all possible variations.

New vs. Legacy Customers

The Announcement module of the Welcome Report varies slightly depending on whether the customer is a new or legacy customer.

  • Legacy customers: Customers that have received earlier versions of the reports in the past are considered legacy customers. The legacy cusotmer versions of the reports

    acknowledge how the report has changed.

    • Welcome Report and Limited Income Report: "Welcome to your new Home Energy Report."
    • Time of Use Report:  "Here's Your Improved Home Energy Report"
  • New customers: Customers that have never received a Home Energy Report are considered new customers. The new customer versions of the reports introduce customers them to their new insights.
    • Welcome Report and Limited Income Report: "Welcome to your Home Energy Report."

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