Daily Peak

The Daily Peak module displays a customer's average daily peak usage for the last month, so that customers can see which hours of the day they are using the most energy. The module includes one graph that shows peak use on the weekdays and another that shows use on the weekends. The messaging indicates if the customer has one peak, two peaks, or no peaks. If customers receive a monthly bill, the month covers the entire billing period. If customers receive bills on a bi-monthly or quarterly basis, then the last 30 days of the billing period is considered the last month. If customers have access to the Energy Efficiency Web Portal, a message and URL are included to drive them to the web.

Fuel: Electric-only and dual fuel

AMI Data Required: Yes

Data History: Minimum of 200 non-zero hourly data points from the appropriate 30-day period

Billing Frequency: Monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly

Configuration Options:

  • Primary and secondary colors are configured based on utility branding guidelines
  • Module title and messaging

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