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Oracle Utilities Opower Custom URL Configuration Guide

A variety of URL configuration options are available as part of the Oracle Utilities Opower Energy Efficiency Web Portal program:

  • Standard URL
  • Custom utility code URL
  • Custom domain URL

By default, all programs receive a standard URL configuration on the Oracle Utilities Opower domain name system (DNS) <utilitycode>.opower.com. Utilities have the option to customize this URL by changing to another Oracle DNS URL, or switching to a non-Oracle DNS. This guide outlines the differences between the URL options and provides the high-level steps to configure them.

Note: The configurations mentioned in this guide apply to the Energy Efficiency Web Portal only. They do not apply to the Customer Service Interface, APIs, or other Oracle Utilities Opower web applications.

Standard URL

The standard URL is the default and most basic URL option and follows the naming convention <utilitycode>.opower.com. For example, the standard Energy Efficiency Web Portal URL for the Great Energy Company would be GEC.opower.com. Standard URLs are hosted on the Oracle Utilities Opower DNS and fully maintained by Oracle Utilities.

Note: A standard URL requires no configuration by the utility.

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Custom Utility Code URL

A custom utility code URL allows the utility to alter the utility name in the Energy Efficiency Web Portal URL from <utilitycode>.opower.com to <utilitycode2>.opower.com. For example, the Great Energy Company could change their standard Energy Efficiency Web Portal URL GEC.opower.com to GreatEnergyCompany.opower.com. Custom utility code URLs are hosted on the Oracle Utilities Opower DNS and fully maintained by Oracle Utilities.

Note: A custom utility code URL requires no additional configuration by the utility.

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Custom Domain URL

A custom domain URL allows the utility to create a white-label Energy Efficiency Web Portal URL. Custom domain URLs follow the naming convention <name>energytools.com. For example, the Great Energy Company could name their Energy Efficiency Web Portal URL GreatEnergySmartTool.com.

This document describes the additional configuration required by the utility to create a custom domain URL.

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About Custom Domain URLs

A custom domain URL is a white-label customization that allows a utility to apply its own brand and identity to the Energy Efficiency Web Portal URL. This customization requires a non-Oracle DNS, additional security certificates, and, in most instances, long-term maintenance and support by the utility.

When creating the custom domain URL, the utility must first decide whether they want Oracle Utilities to act as DNS administrator. If the utility wants Oracle Utilities to act as DNS administrator, Oracle Utilities can purchase a DNS and certificates on behalf of the utility or the utility can purchase the DNS independently and delegate permissions to Oracle Utilities. If the utility does not wish to delegate permissions, they must work with Oracle Utilities to construct DNS record types, certificates, and Internet Protocol (IP) address hosting, and take on full maintenance of the custom domain URL.

Note: Oracle Utilities can only own maintenance and support for domains to which it has full access.

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Delegating a Custom Domain URL to Oracle Utilities

Oracle Utilities can purchase the domain on behalf of the utility or the utility can purchase the DNS and delegate the DNS or sub-domain to Oracle Utilities. These options all allow Oracle Utilities to act as administer to the domain and fully maintain the Energy Efficiency Web Portal. The utility must take the steps below if they want to delegate a custom domain URL.

To initiate an Oracle Utilities-purchased DNS:

  1. Provide Oracle Utilities with the preferred domain name.
  2. Oracle Utilities will purchases, register, and configure the custom domain, and obtain all necessary security certificates.
  3. Oracle Utilities will delegate the domain name to the utility and path the domain to the Energy Efficiency Web Portal.

When this update is implemented, configuration is complete and Oracle Utilities can maintain and support the DNS.

To create and delegate a DNS to Oracle Utilities:

  1. Purchase a domain through a domain name registrar.
  2. Access the control panel for your DNS provider or domain registrar and delegate the domain to Oracle Utilities.
  3. Oracle Utilities will register the domain and obtains the security certificates, and update the domain to contain all the relevant entries.

Once this update is implemented, configuration is complete and Oracle Utilities can maintain and support the DNS.

To create a DNS and delegate a sub-domain to Oracle Utilities:

  1. Purchases a domain through a domain name registrar (if not already owned).
  2. Access the control panel for your DNS provider or domain registrar.
  3. Request the appropriate name servers from Oracle Utilities.
  4. Create a sub-domain and delegate it to Oracle Utilities name servers.
  5. Oracle Utilities will obtain the appropriate security certificates and populate the domain with appropriate records.

Once this update is implemented, configuration is complete and Oracle Utilities can maintain and support the DNS.

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Creating a Utility-Managed Custom Domain URL

Utilities that opt to own and maintain the DNS for their custom domain URL must first obtain their DNS and then work with Oracle Utilities to install a CNAME record pointing to the Oracle Utilities servers. A CNAME record is a resource record indicating that domain IP maps to another domain name. In this case, the CNAME allows the custom domain URL <name>energytools.com to path to the Oracle Utilities servers.

Note: Utilities that do not delegate their DNS to Oracle Utilities are responsible for all DNS maintenance, updates and support.

To create a DNS:

  1. Purchase and register the utility domain name through a domain name registrar.
  2. Create security certificates with a certificate provider.
  3. Provide the security certificates to Oracle Utilities through self-certifying file system (SFS) or another secure method. Upon receipt of DNS certificates from the utility, Oracle Utilities will set up an IP to host the certificate and provide the utility with a domain address on the Oracle Utilities server.

To install CNAME records on the DNS:

  1. Open the interface or command line.
  2. Add a wildcard with a CNAME pointed to the Oracle Utilities Opower DNS.

Once this is implemented, the custom domain URL configuration is complete. The utility is responsible for all maintenance and updates to the custom domain URL DNS.

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