Customer to Meter REST Endpoints

V-Model/Service Points/Customer to Meter
Service points are a physical location (usually meter connection socket) at which a company supplies service that can be used to store information describing the type of service supplied and how it is measured. Devices are installed at service points, and the relationship between individual service points and devices can change over time. For example, over time different devices may be installed at a service point, and a device may be installed at different service points. A service point may only have one device. If multiple devices at a service point are required, define a parent and child service point relationship to create a hierarchy of service points. On each service point, users will be able to specify a parent service point. An example of this feature would be to link each condominium in a building to a parent service point that represents the common areas of the building. Another example would be a deregulated service point that allows multiple devices per service point. In this example, the parent service point would be the market service point ID and the children service points would relate to the individual devices.
Create Service Point
Method: post
Path: rest/apis/cross/v-model/servicePoints/
Delete Service Point
Method: delete
Path: rest/apis/cross/v-model/servicePoints/{servicePointId}
Get Service Point
Method: get
Path: rest/apis/cross/v-model/servicePoints/{servicePointId}
Search SP for Premise
Method: post
Path: rest/apis/cross/v-model/servicePoints/search
Update Service Point
Method: put
Path: rest/apis/cross/v-model/servicePoints/{servicePointId}