Bill REST Endpoints

Financial Transactions/Bill
A bill is produced for an account and many bills are produced for an account over time. Bills charge for the services or products supplied to a customer. Note: All REST services that are in the Integration Suite Web Service Categories require the related Integration Suite add-on product option to use.
Action Bill
Method: patch
Path: https://server:port/spl/rest/apis/customer/financials/bills/{billId}/action
Create Bill
Method: post
Path: https://server:port/spl/rest/apis/customer/financials/bills/
Delete Bill
Method: delete
Path: https://server:port/spl/rest/apis/customer/financials/bills/{billId}
Get Bill
Method: get
Path: https://server:port/spl/rest/apis/customer/financials/bills/{billId}
Update Bill
Method: put
Path: https://server:port/spl/rest/apis/customer/financials/bills/{billId}