PaymentTender REST Endpoints

Financial Transactions/PaymentTender
Payment tenders exist for every form of tender remitted as part of a payment event. A payment event must have at least one tender otherwise nothing was remitted. A payment event may have many tenders when multiple payment methods are associated with an event (e.g., paying with cash, a check, and a credit card).
Action Payment Tender
Method: patch
Path: https://server:port/spl/rest/apis/customer/financials/paymentTenders/{paymentTenderId}/action
Create Payment Tender
Method: post
Path: https://server:port/spl/rest/apis/customer/financials/paymentTenders/
Get Payment Tender
Method: get
Path: https://server:port/spl/rest/apis/customer/financials/paymentTenders/{paymentTenderId}
Update Payment Tender
Method: put
Path: https://server:port/spl/rest/apis/customer/financials/paymentTenders/{paymentTenderId}