Usage Subscription REST Endpoints

V-Model/Usage Subscription
A Usage Subscription is an ongoing request to send one or more Service Points' usage detail to one or more external systems. The Usage Subscription defines which usage calculation group should be used to calculate Service Quantities (often referred to as bill determinants). Usage subscriptions must reference a: Service Provider: The service provider is used as the identity of the subscribing system.
Create Usage Subscription
Method: post
Path: https://server:port/ouaf/rest/apis/meter/v-model/usageSubscriptions/
Delete Usage Subscription
Method: delete
Path: https://server:port/ouaf/rest/apis/meter/v-model/usageSubscriptions/{usageSubscriptionId}
Get Usage Subscription
Method: get
Path: https://server:port/ouaf/rest/apis/meter/v-model/usageSubscriptions/{usageSubscriptionId}
Update Usage Subscription
Method: put
Path: https://server:port/ouaf/rest/apis/meter/v-model/usageSubscriptions/{usageSubscriptionId}