Get Service Point



This Operation handles the Integration Suite API to Get Service Point.


Path Parameters

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Success response
Body ()
Root Schema : D1ServPoint
Type: object
Show Source
  • _self
  • accessGroup
    Access Group
  • address
  • Maximum Length: 120
    Asset System SP ID
  • Create Date/Time
    Example: 2012-01-19T03:25:38-08:00
  • Allowed Values: [ "ZZCIT", "ZZGR", "ZZBK", "ZZSR", "ZZRS", "ZZLS" ]
    Device Location is used to define where the service point is located on the premise. * `ZZCIT` - Test CIT, * `ZZGR` - Garage, * `ZZBK` - Backyard, * `ZZSR` - SR related location, * `ZZRS` - Right Side, * `ZZLS` - Left Side
    Example: ZZBK
  • Maximum Length: 250
    Location Details are used to clarify the location at the premise.
  • Allowed Values: [ "D1DV", "D1SR" ]
    If the Service point source status is disconnected, use Disconnect Location to specify where service was severed. * `D1DV` - Device, * `D1SR` - Source
    Example: D1SR
  • Maximum Length: 14
    Distribution Network Facility
  • division
    Divisions are used to delineate between different operating companies within a large conglomerate of utilities.
  • equipment
  • Allowed Values: [ "D1EL", "D1NE" ]
    Periodic estimation Eligibility determines if measuring component is eligible for estimation. * `D1EL` - Eligible, * `D1NE` - Not Eligible
    Example: D1EL
  • Maximum Length: 60
    External Premise ID
    Example: 0979106528
  • Maximum Length: 60
    External Service Point ID defines External Systems with which Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management should be able to communicate.
    Example: 0979106595
  • Minimum Value: -9.99999999999999E8
    Maximum Value: 9.99999999999999E8
    Geographic Latitude displays the geographic latitude information that defines where the service point is located.
    Example: 40.779680
  • Minimum Value: -9.99999999999999E8
    Maximum Value: 9.99999999999999E8
    Geographic Longitude displays the geographic longitude information that defines where the service point is located.
    Example: -81.399990
  • Allowed Values: [ "ZZKEY", "ZZ-KEY2", "false", "true", "ZZYES", "ZZNO" ]
    Key * `ZZKEY` - Test Key, * `ZZ-KEY2` - Test Key 2, * `false` - No, * `true` - Yes, * `ZZYES` - Yes, * `ZZNO` - No
    Example: ZZNO
  • Maximum Length: 30
    Specify the Key ID if the meter is secured in a locked area and your company has the key.
    Example: No key at premise
  • Allowed Values: [ "ZZLS", "ZZNC", "ZZNL" ]
    Indicates if the current service point supplies service to life support equipment (or if the load supplied to the service point is considered sensitive). * `ZZLS` - On life support, * `ZZNC` - None, * `ZZNL` - Not on life support
    Example: ZZNL
  • Maximum Length: 4000
    Life Support sensitive load description
    Example: Not on life support
  • Maximum Length: 12
    The main contact for the service provider.
  • market
    Defines jurisdictions or regulatory environments in which a Service Point participates.
  • marketParticipants
  • Maximum Length: 60
    MDM External ID
  • measurementCycle
    Measurement Cycle specifies the schedule used for when the service point is visited and the the device read.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    Route specifies the group of service points in a cycle that are visited by a meter reader.
    Example: R1
  • Minimum Value: -999999999
    Maximum Value: 999999999
  • multiItems
  • Allowed Values: [ "ZZCIT1", "false", "true", "ZZYES", "ZZNO" ]
    Turn on OK to Enter if the meter is located in the interior of the premise and your company has permission to enter. * `ZZCIT1` - Test CIT, * `false` - False, * `true` - True, * `ZZYES` - Yes, * `ZZNO` - No
    Example: false
  • parentServicePoint
  • Maximum Length: 12
    Usage Subscription ID is a system assigned random number that stays with a usage subscription record.
  • Maximum Length: 12
    Service Point ID
  • servicePointType
  • Allowed Values: [ "D1CN", "D1DC" ]
    Service Point Source Status defines whether the service point is connected to the source of power. Valid values are: Connected and Disconnected. * `D1CN` - Connected, * `D1DC` - Disconnected
    Example: D1CN
  • Allowed Values: [ "ZZ-SPI", "ZZLRC", "ZZSPINSTR", "ZZTEST14521", "ZZCON", "ZZCHKSEAL", "ZZSER" ]
    Indicate a SP Instruction if specific instructions should be downloaded to the person who reads the meter. * `ZZ-SPI` - ZZ-SPI, * `ZZLRC` - Leave read card with customer, * `ZZSPINSTR` - Test SPINSTR, * `ZZTEST14521` - test, * `ZZCON` - Verify constant, * `ZZCHKSEAL` - Check Seal, * `ZZSER` - Verify serial number
    Example: ZZCHKSEAL
  • Maximum Length: 250
    SP Instruction Details provides more detailed instructions to the individual who reads meters at this premise.
    Example: Suspect Dangerous occupants
  • Allowed Values: [ "ZZ-BADDOG", "ZZWARN", "ZZCAT", "ZZNEIG", "ZZRS", "ZZDIVE", "ZZDANG", "ZZSW" ]
    Indicate a SP Warning if a specific warning should be downloaded to the person who reads the meter. * `ZZ-BADDOG` - BAD DOG, * `ZZWARN` - Test Warn, * `ZZCAT` - Mean cat at premise, * `ZZNEIG` - Suspicious neighbor, * `ZZRS` - ZZRS, * `ZZDIVE` - History of service diversion, * `ZZDANG` - Suspect dangerous occupants, * `ZZSW` - ZZSW
    Example: ZZDANG
  • Maximum Length: 12
    The current status of the service point.
    Example: ACTIVE
  • Status Date/Time
    Example: 2012-01-19T03:25:38-08:00
  • timeZone
    Enter the Time Zone in which the premise is located.
  • Minimum Value: -99999
    Maximum Value: 99999
    The Version number is used for internal concurrency checks.
    Example: 5
Nested Schema : accessGroup
Type: object
Access Group
Show Source
Nested Schema : address
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : division
Type: object
Divisions are used to delineate between different operating companies within a large conglomerate of utilities.
Show Source
  • Maximum Length: 30
    Divisions are used to delineate between different operating companies within a large conglomerate of utilities.
    Example: CA
Nested Schema : equipment
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : market
Type: object
Defines jurisdictions or regulatory environments in which a Service Point participates.
Show Source
  • Maximum Length: 30
    Defines jurisdictions or regulatory environments in which a Service Point participates.
    Example: ZZ_SMSR_MKT10111024
Nested Schema : marketParticipants
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : measurementCycle
Type: object
Measurement Cycle specifies the schedule used for when the service point is visited and the the device read.
Show Source
Nested Schema : multiItems
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : parentServicePoint
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : servicePointType
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : timeZone
Type: object
Enter the Time Zone in which the premise is located.
Show Source
Nested Schema : country
Type: object
The country of the address.
Show Source
Nested Schema : equipmentList
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : _data
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : equipment
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : _data
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : serviceProvider
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : multiItemList
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : _data
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : multiItemCounts
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : multiItemCountList
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : _data
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
  • Minimum Value: -9.9999999999E8
    Maximum Value: 9.9999999999E8
    Indicates how many of the given type of item exist at the service point.
    Example: 1.00
  • Maximum Length: 30
    Indicates the type of item
    Example: CT BADGE

400 Response

Bad Request
Body ()
Root Schema : problemDetailDocument
Type: object
Show Source
  • Maximum Length: 60
    The long message description from the Oracle Utilities Application Framework in CDATA format.
  • Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 9999
    The HTTP Status code for the error.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    Fully qualified URL consisting of the Base URI Timestamp of error in ISO format, the User used for the transaction, the Message Category within Oracle Utilities Application Framework, the Message Number within Oracle Utilities Application Framework, the Request URL and the HTTP method used for the transaction.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    URL of the format "A/message/X/Y" where A is the base URI, X is the Message Category and Y is the Message Number within Oracle Utilities Application Framework.
  • serverMessage
  • Maximum Length: 60
    The stack trace shows where the error occurs during the execution of a program.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    Fully qualified error message from Oracle Utilities Application Framework in CDATA format.
Nested Schema : serverMessage
Type: object
Show Source
  • Maximum Length: 60
    Delimited sequence of programs called.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    The long message description from the Oracle Utilities Application Framework in CDATA format.
  • Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 0
    Message Category within Oracle Utilities Application Framework.
  • Minimum Value: -99999
    Maximum Value: 99999
    Message Number within Oracle Utilities Application Framework.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    Fully qualified error message from Oracle Utilities Application Framework in CDATA format.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    Name of the program that encountered the error.

500 Response

Internal Server Error
Body ()
Root Schema : problemDetailDocument
Type: object
Show Source
  • Maximum Length: 60
    The long message description from the Oracle Utilities Application Framework in CDATA format.
  • Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 9999
    The HTTP Status code for the error.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    Fully qualified URL consisting of the Base URI Timestamp of error in ISO format, the User used for the transaction, the Message Category within Oracle Utilities Application Framework, the Message Number within Oracle Utilities Application Framework, the Request URL and the HTTP method used for the transaction.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    URL of the format "A/message/X/Y" where A is the base URI, X is the Message Category and Y is the Message Number within Oracle Utilities Application Framework.
  • serverMessage
  • Maximum Length: 60
    The stack trace shows where the error occurs during the execution of a program.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    Fully qualified error message from Oracle Utilities Application Framework in CDATA format.
Nested Schema : serverMessage
Type: object
Show Source
  • Maximum Length: 60
    Delimited sequence of programs called.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    The long message description from the Oracle Utilities Application Framework in CDATA format.
  • Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 0
    Message Category within Oracle Utilities Application Framework.
  • Minimum Value: -99999
    Maximum Value: 99999
    Message Number within Oracle Utilities Application Framework.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    Fully qualified error message from Oracle Utilities Application Framework in CDATA format.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    Name of the program that encountered the error.
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