General guidelines
Don't use reserved java words
Don't use spaces
Don't abbreviate
Don't use punctuation
Don't start the name with a number
Here are our project guidelines for naming properties:
Generally, don't abbreviate. The exceptions are SA, SP when the name would get too long if written as e.g. ServiceAgreement as part of a much longer field name
In line with the above, spell out amount and total
Boolean values (SW) are prefixed with is, has, can, are, or should, according to what is grammatically correct.
Date fields end with Date
Time fields end with Time
Datetime fields end with DateTime
Id is spelled Id
Don't include a final Flag (FLG) or Code (CD)
Use min instead of minimum, and max instead of maximum
Can be generic- that is, for the field BILL_​STATUS, you can just name it status