Field-level Security Client-Side User Exit Example
Field level security information is exposed on the browser side.
Use the following function to retrieve a user's field level security for a given service or Navigation Key:
top.getFieldLevelSecurityInfo(serviceNameOrNavigationKey) ---> returns an Object keyed by security type.
The following example illustrates how to implement security for adjustment amount on the client. In the example, User Group 1 is authorized to freeze adjustments less than $10,000, and User Group 2 can authorize any adjustment. We want to disable the Freeze button, if the user's security doesn't meet the condition. There is a security type ADJAMT defined for the Adjustment Maintenance.
Refer to Field Level Security in the Administration Guide, Defining General Options chapter for information about the data setup.
The following example code would be added to the extPreOnWindowLoad user exit:

var secInfo = top.getFieldLevelSecurityInfo("adjustmentMaint");
var adjAmtSecInfo = secInfo["ADJAMT"];
if (adjAmtSecInfo < "2" && parseFloat(model.getValue("ADJ_AMT")) > 10000 ) {
//disable the field