Public Methods
These methods are exposed via the generated "business interface" of the entity.
registerChange(Change) - Allows for another entity to register the fact that that entity has changed so that any dependant change handler logic in this entity may fire. This is most useful in situations where the changed object and the dependant object (the one needing to know about the change) are not directly related by parent-child relationships.
getDTO() - Get a DataTransferObject representing the current state of the entity.
setDTO(DataTransferObject) - Update the state of the entity based on the passed values in the DTO.
getId() - Each entity has a method by this name with retrieves and Id instance of the appropriate class for the entity.
getFoo() - Get the value of the persistent property "foo".
fetchBar() - Convenience method that will fetch the value of "bar" where "bar" is a parent entity referenced by an optional foreign key refernce. The word "fetch" is used to denote that navigation to that entity is not provided from within HQL.
getBazzes() - Get the EntityList containing members of the entity "baz". For example, a getPersonNames() method on the "person" entity might return an instance of an EntityList containing PersonName instances.