CM System Data Packaging Overview
CM System Data Packaging Tools allow implementers to extract and package Customer Modification ('CM') system data from their databases and deliver it to their customers.
The following example uses the Oracle database platform to illustrate the extract and upload process.
As a standard release process, the implementers can add the CM system and Meta data records to the base product database or change base product system and Meta data records according to the specific rules (see "System Table Guide" document in the Installation Guide of the product). Implementers can then choose to migrate the CM data to a customer database as a full extract of CM data, or incremental differences between the current version of the system data on the customer site and the new version of the implementation development database.
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Packaging CM system data starts by creating a copy of the project dev database into a project release database. A blueprint file of the system data is then created by running the GenSysdataBP java utility from OraGenBP.jar.
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To apply the latest changes to a QA or production database, run OraSDUpg java utility in OraDBI.jar with the blueprint file as input and then specifying the target database.