Table names are prefixed with the owner flag value of the product. For customer modification CM must prefix the table name. The length of the table names must be less than or equal to 30 characters. A language table should be named by suffixing _​L to the main table. The key table name should be named by suffixing _​K to the main table.
It is recommended to start a table name with the 2-3 letter acronym of the subsystem name that the table belongs to. For example, MD stands for meta-data subsystem and all meta data table names start with CI_​MD.
Some examples are:
A language table stores language sensitive columns such as a description of a code. The primary key of a language table consists of the primary key of the code table plus language code (LANGAGUE_​CD).
A key table accompanies a table with a surrogate key column. A key value is stored with the environment id that the key value resides in the key table.
The tables prior to V2.0.0 are prefixed with CI_​ or SC_​.