Tailoring AppViewer
AppViewer resides in the $SPLEBASE/splapp/applications directory. Implementers can add an option to view >Customer Modification sources, tables and columns, and scripts.
Implementers should put the Customer Modification sources in the $SPLEBASE/splapp/applications/appViewer/data/source/CM directory and Customer Modification scripts into the $SPLEBASE/splapp/applications/appViewer/data/xml/CM directory.
The CM directories are preserved by the upgrade utility.
Data dictionary information and Java source information can be generated for a Customer Modification implementation by a utility provided by the SDK. Since it can be regenerated at any time, however, this information is not preserved by the upgrade process. For more information, refer to the "Defining Background Processes (addendum)" topic in the Oracle Enterprise Taxation Management User Guide.
The AppViewer directory may be deployed in a war file format (appViewer.war) in the $SPLEBASE/splapp/applications directory. Use the provided SDK utilities to incorporate your Customer Modification directories into an appViewer.war file.