Using the create_​CM_​Release Utility
The create_​CM_​ utility is used to create a CM full release package that will contain only customer modification (CM) files. This is used to install a full set of customizations on top of the base product environment.
In order to build a CM release version that is compatible with the target platform, you need a packaging environment on the same operating system as the one on which the receiving product is installed. The target environment for installing the release version on a customer site can either be a pure base product environment, or an environment that already contains previous CM versions. In the second case, all previous CM modules will be removed by the install utility at the beginning of the installation process.
It is mandatory that every implementation version is identified by its own release version number. This number may be in any free standard and must be recorded in the $SPLEBASE/etc/CMVERSION.txt file on the environment.
Here are the detailed instructions for creating the full release version for CMs:
Log in to the server with the administrator user id and initialize a packaging environment. You will use this environment to create the CM release version.
Change the directory to the directory that contains the Developers Tool Suite utilities (CM_​packaging).
Execute the utility using the following command:
./create_​CM_​ -e $SPLENVIRON -v $VERNO -d $RELEASEHOME,
$SPLENVIRON is the target packaging environment
$VERNO is the CM version number (the content of the file CMVERSION.txt)
$RELEASEHOME is the name of the directory on the server where you want to place the resulting CM release package.
For example:
./create_​CM_​ -e M4_​Q1_​SUNDB2 -v M.4.0.0 -d /versions
Tar and zip the resulting CM release directory for Unix platform or zip it for Windows platform and ship it to your customer.
The customer who wishes to install the delivered package onsite will follow the instructions:
Decompress and untar the installation media to a temporary directory for the Unix server or unzip it for Windows server.
Change directory to the target directory.
Login and initialize the target environment.
Change to the Installation directory using the following command
$VERNO is the version number (the content of the file CMVERSION.txt)
Run the following script
./ - for Unix
install.cmd - for Windows