Shortcuts Directory
The shortcuts directory contains various scripts used in development.
Shortcuts directory
Except for commandPrompt.bat, createNewEnv.bat, and startEclipse.bat, all of these script are intended to be executed on the command line (see commandPrompt.bat).
The commandPrompt.bat script initializes the appropriate environment variables for a development environment so that OUAF SDK scripts, particularly those in the shortcut directory, can be executed on the Windows command prompt.
The createNewEnv.bat script allows a developer to set up another development environment for another application server in the workstation. The initial development environment is first created on installation of the OUAF SDK.
The startEclipse.bat script installs the Eclipse IDE and sets up the OUAF plugin in Eclipse if these are not yet installed. Otherwise, it initializes the appropriate environment variables for a development environment that the OUAF Eclipse plugin requires.