Test default actions on Entity Page Maintenance Class

In addition, all defaults that are registered for a page maintenance must also be tested. This should be done through separate tester methods for each default, calling the FW support method public PageBody executeDefault(PageBody pageBody, String defaultValue) :

    public void testDefaultChg() {
        PageBody input = new PageBody();

        // TODO populate inputs for default
        // e.g.
        input.put("FK", "FK CODE");
        PageBody output = executeDefault(input, "CHG");

        // TODO compare the outputs
        //  e.g.
        assertEquals("FK Description", output.get("FK_DESCR"));

Another example for testing the default on the field which in on the list.

 public void testDefaultAlogrithm() {
        ItemList itemList = new ItemList();
        List list = new ArrayList();
        ListBody listBody = new ListBody();
        listBody.put("MRR_ACTN_ALG_CD", "MRRCRESVCCC");

        PageBody input = new PageBody();

        PageBody output = executeDefault(input, "AAD");
        ItemList outList = output.getList("MRRA");
        List outputList = outList.getList();
        ListBody body = (ListBody) outList.getList().get(0);
            "Create Service Customer Contact");

The input page body should be populated with the expected inputs for the default action, while the output should be compared against the expected output.