Implementing the Security Provider
Note: Before using the provider ensure a data source has been created to connect to the product database to access the SC_USER table.
Note: Each Plugin Properties must exist on a separate line
The Oracle Utilities Application Framework security provider is provided in the $SPLEBASE/tools/bin/auth subdirectory as ouaf-dbmsauth-<version>.jar. This jar file must be copied to the $DOMAIN_HOME/lib directory. After restarting the Administration server, the following must be configured to use this security provider:
Login to the Oracle WebLogic Administration console using the appropriate administrator account.
Navigate to the Security Realms myrealm Providers tab from the console.
Select New to add a new Provider.
Assign an appropriate name for the provider according to your site standards.
Use the CustomDBMSAuthenticator for the Provider type.
Use the Ok button to save the authenticator definition.
Select the Name you assigned the provider to complete the configuration.
Select the appropriate Control Flag for your site standards to determine the how the provider fits into the login sequence.
Select the Provider Specific tab to configure the provider using the following settings:
Specify the data source created to connect to the database created earlier in the Data Source Name attribute.
Specify for the Plugin Class Name.
Specify the userGroup=<usergroupname> where <usergroupname> is the realm group created for the product (set by WEB_APPVIEWER_ROLE_NAME) in the Plugin Properties. By default, this is set to cisusers if parameter not present. For example:
Optionally, specify the users you wish to bypass from this Security provider by specifying the excludeUser=<listofusers> where <listofusers> is a list of authentication users delimited by "," to be excluded. For example:
Save the Provider configuration.
Optionally, use Reorder to set the order of check.
Optionally, configure the Adjudicator Provider for additional rules.