Setting Up Redaction Functions
Before using Redaction Rules, a set of reusable Redaction Functions that describe the technique to be used to scramble information must be configured.
To maintain Redaction Functions, use the F1-RedactionFunction Extendable Lookup to define the technique to use including:
Redaction Function
Identifier for function. Must be prefixed with CM for custom function entries to avoid conflicts with base provided functions
Short description for function
Override Description
Override description to allow implementations to override short description of base provided functions
Detailed Description
Detailed description of function
Status of function. Valid Values:
Active. Function is available for use.
Inactive. Function is not available for use.
Only Active functions are applied.
Function Type
Type of function. Valid Values are:
Date Mask used to mask dates
Number Mask to mask numbers
Regular Expression to mask general fields
String Mask to mask strings
Date Mask
Mask of date in ISO format. For example: YYYY-01-01 sets all dates where this function is used to the first day of the year of the record.
Start Offset
Start position offset in field for Number Mask and String Mask
End Offset
End position offset in field for Number Mask and String Mask
Replacement Digit
Digit to use as replacement between start and end offset for Number Mask
Regular Expression
Regex expression to find values within data for Regular Expression Mask
Replacement Expression
Regex expression to replace values found in regular expression for Regular Expression Mask
Replacement Character
Character to use as replacement in between start and end offset for Number Mask
Digits Only
Replace Digits only in string. Used for String Mask only. For example, replacing digits in phone numbers.