Online Transaction Timeouts
By default, the product does not impose any transaction time limits on online and web services transactions. If this is not appropriate for your site then transaction time limits can be implemented globally as well as on individual objects using configuration settings defining the desired transaction time limits.
Specific User Exit Include Files should be used to maintain these settings. To implement these timeouts create or modify the user exit files indicated in the table below in $SPLEBASE/templates.
To impose global limits the following settings must be added to your user exit files:
Tier/Configuration File
Configuration Settings
Web Application Server ( user exit file)
Set the ouaf.timeout.query.default parameter to the desired timeout (in seconds) to set a global default on query zones.
Business Application Server ( user exit file)
Set the ouaf.timeout.business_service.default parameter to the desired timeout (in seconds) to set a global default on business service invocations.
Set the ouaf.timeout.business_object.default parameter to the desired timeout (in seconds) to set a global default on business object invocations.
Set the ouaf.timeout.script.default parameter to the desired timeout (in seconds) to set a global default on service script invocations.
Set the ouaf.timeout.service.default parameter to the desired timeout (in seconds) to set a global default on application service invocations.
To impose timeout values on individual object/service/scripts then an entry in the Business Application Server user exit file must exist for each individual object/service/script to specify the timeout:
Business Objects
Default: ouaf.timeout.business_object.default - Set Default Business Object Timeout
Specific: ouaf.timeout.business_object.<bocode> - Set Specific Business Object Timeout
Business Services
Default: ouaf.timeout.business_service.default - Set Default Business Service Timeout
Specific: ouaf.timeout.business_service.<bscode> - Set Specific Business Service Timeout
Query Zones
Default: ouaf.timeout.query.default - Set Default Query Timeout
Specific: ouaf.timeout.query.<zonecode> - Set Specific Query Timeout
Default: ouaf.timeout.script.default - Set Default Script Timeout
Specific: ouaf.timeout.script.<scriptname> - Set Specific Script Timeout
Application Services
Default: ouaf.timeout.service.default - Set Default Service Timeout
Specific: ouaf.timeout.service.<service> - Set Specific Service Timeout
For example:
Note: Timeout values are not precise as they do not include additional time needed to process any rollback or networking activity necessary after a timeout has occurred.