Landlord Agreements REST Endpoints

V-Model/Landlord Agreements
A landlord agreement maintains a landlord's service reversion preferences. A landlord will have at least one landlord agreement. However, if the landlord has different service reversion preferences for different properties, you can create multiple landlord agreements - one for each set of preferences. After a landlord's reversion preferences have been defined, the landlord agreement record can be linked to the respective premises.
Create Landlord Agreement
Method: post
Path: https://server:port/spl/rest/apis/customer/v-model/landlordAgreements/
Delete Landlord Agreement
Method: delete
Path: https://server:port/spl/rest/apis/customer/v-model/landlordAgreements/{landLordId}
Get Landlord Agreement
Method: get
Path: https://server:port/spl/rest/apis/customer/v-model/landlordAgreements/{landLordId}
Update Landlord Agreement
Method: put
Path: https://server:port/spl/rest/apis/customer/v-model/landlordAgreements/{landLordId}