Stop Service Finalization



This is the final operation called when stopping or transferring service. It is used to update the self-service start/stop/transfer task with any additional contact information for the main customer and to transition it out of the pending status.


There are no request parameters for this operation.

Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/xml ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : contactDetails
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : emailContacts
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : mailingAddressDetails
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : phoneContacts
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : emailContact
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
  • Allowed Values: [ "C1AC", "C1IN" ]
    Most contact preferences will remain active. When a contact is no longer valid, the existing contact should be updated to Inactive. * `C1AC` - Active, * `C1IN` - Inactive
  • Maximum Length: 10
    Contact Detail ID is a system-assigned unique identifier of the person contact.
    Example: 4050952629
  • Maximum Length: 100
    Person contact details nickname.
    Example: Home
  • Allowed Values: [ "C1AP", "C1PN", "C1RJ" ]
    Contact Status indicates the option contact's status. * `C1AP` - Approved, * `C1PN` - Pending, * `C1RJ` - Rejected.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    Person Contact Type indicates the type of contact such as, home phone, cell phone, or work email.
  • Maximum Length: 254
    Contact Detail Value contains the specific contact information such as the phone number or email address in the associated format.
    Example: 415-123-4567,
  • Maximum Length: 6
    Extension, if any, of the contact information. (This field is only active when the contact's contact routing is phone or fax.)
    Example: 121
  • Do Not Disturb (To) indicates the end time when a person contact should not be used.
    Example: 20.30.00
  • Do Not Disturb (From) indicates the start time when a person contact should not be used.
    Example: 08.00.00
  • Allowed Values: [ "C1NO", "C1YS" ]
    Primary switch must be set for exactly one person contact for each contact routing. * `C1NO` - No, * `C1YS` - Yes
Nested Schema : phoneContact
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
  • Allowed Values: [ "C1AC", "C1IN" ]
    Most contact preferences will remain active. When a contact is no longer valid, the existing contact should be updated to Inactive. * `C1AC` - Active, * `C1IN` - Inactive
  • Maximum Length: 10
    Contact Detail ID is a system-assigned unique identifier of the person contact.
    Example: 4050952629
  • Maximum Length: 100
    Person contact details nickname.
    Example: Home
  • Allowed Values: [ "C1AP", "C1PN", "C1RJ" ]
    Contact Status indicates the option contact's status. * `C1AP` - Approved, * `C1PN` - Pending, * `C1RJ` - Rejected.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    Person Contact Type indicates the type of contact such as, home phone, cell phone, or work email.
  • Maximum Length: 254
    Contact Detail Value contains the specific contact information such as the phone number or email address in the associated format.
    Example: 415-123-4567,
  • Maximum Length: 6
    Extension, if any, of the contact information. (This field is only active when the contact's contact routing is phone or fax.)
    Example: 121
  • Do Not Disturb (To) indicates the end time when a person contact should not be used.
    Example: 20.30.00
  • Do Not Disturb (From) indicates the start time when a person contact should not be used.
    Example: 08.00.00
  • Allowed Values: [ "C1NO", "C1YS" ]
    Primary switch must be set for exactly one person contact for each contact routing. * `C1NO` - No, * `C1YS` - Yes
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : contactDetails
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : emailContacts
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : mailingAddressDetails
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : phoneContacts
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : emailContact
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
  • Allowed Values: [ "C1AC", "C1IN" ]
    Most contact preferences will remain active. When a contact is no longer valid, the existing contact should be updated to Inactive. * `C1AC` - Active, * `C1IN` - Inactive
  • Maximum Length: 10
    Contact Detail ID is a system-assigned unique identifier of the person contact.
    Example: 4050952629
  • Maximum Length: 100
    Person contact details nickname.
    Example: Home
  • Allowed Values: [ "C1AP", "C1PN", "C1RJ" ]
    Contact Status indicates the option contact's status. * `C1AP` - Approved, * `C1PN` - Pending, * `C1RJ` - Rejected.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    Person Contact Type indicates the type of contact such as, home phone, cell phone, or work email.
  • Maximum Length: 254
    Contact Detail Value contains the specific contact information such as the phone number or email address in the associated format.
    Example: 415-123-4567,
  • Maximum Length: 6
    Extension, if any, of the contact information. (This field is only active when the contact's contact routing is phone or fax.)
    Example: 121
  • Do Not Disturb (To) indicates the end time when a person contact should not be used.
    Example: 20.30.00
  • Do Not Disturb (From) indicates the start time when a person contact should not be used.
    Example: 08.00.00
  • Allowed Values: [ "C1NO", "C1YS" ]
    Primary switch must be set for exactly one person contact for each contact routing. * `C1NO` - No, * `C1YS` - Yes
Nested Schema : phoneContact
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
  • Allowed Values: [ "C1AC", "C1IN" ]
    Most contact preferences will remain active. When a contact is no longer valid, the existing contact should be updated to Inactive. * `C1AC` - Active, * `C1IN` - Inactive
  • Maximum Length: 10
    Contact Detail ID is a system-assigned unique identifier of the person contact.
    Example: 4050952629
  • Maximum Length: 100
    Person contact details nickname.
    Example: Home
  • Allowed Values: [ "C1AP", "C1PN", "C1RJ" ]
    Contact Status indicates the option contact's status. * `C1AP` - Approved, * `C1PN` - Pending, * `C1RJ` - Rejected.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    Person Contact Type indicates the type of contact such as, home phone, cell phone, or work email.
  • Maximum Length: 254
    Contact Detail Value contains the specific contact information such as the phone number or email address in the associated format.
    Example: 415-123-4567,
  • Maximum Length: 6
    Extension, if any, of the contact information. (This field is only active when the contact's contact routing is phone or fax.)
    Example: 121
  • Do Not Disturb (To) indicates the end time when a person contact should not be used.
    Example: 20.30.00
  • Do Not Disturb (From) indicates the start time when a person contact should not be used.
    Example: 08.00.00
  • Allowed Values: [ "C1NO", "C1YS" ]
    Primary switch must be set for exactly one person contact for each contact routing. * `C1NO` - No, * `C1YS` - Yes
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Success response
Body ()
Root Schema : C1SSFinStopS
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : finalizeMessages
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : finalizeMessage
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source

400 Response

Bad Request
Body ()
Root Schema : problemDetailDocument
Type: object
Show Source
  • Maximum Length: 60
    The long message description from the Oracle Utilities Application Framework in CDATA format.
  • Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 9999
    The HTTP Status code for the error.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    Fully qualified URL consisting of the Base URI Timestamp of error in ISO format, the User used for the transaction, the Message Category within Oracle Utilities Application Framework, the Message Number within Oracle Utilities Application Framework, the Request URL and the HTTP method used for the transaction.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    URL of the format "A/message/X/Y" where A is the base URI, X is the Message Category and Y is the Message Number within Oracle Utilities Application Framework.
  • serverMessage
  • Maximum Length: 60
    The stack trace shows where the error occurs during the execution of a program.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    Fully qualified error message from Oracle Utilities Application Framework in CDATA format.
Nested Schema : serverMessage
Type: object
Show Source
  • Maximum Length: 60
    Delimited sequence of programs called.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    The long message description from the Oracle Utilities Application Framework in CDATA format.
  • Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 0
    Message Category within Oracle Utilities Application Framework.
  • Minimum Value: -99999
    Maximum Value: 99999
    Message Number within Oracle Utilities Application Framework.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    Fully qualified error message from Oracle Utilities Application Framework in CDATA format.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    Name of the program that encountered the error.

500 Response

Internal Server Error
Body ()
Root Schema : problemDetailDocument
Type: object
Show Source
  • Maximum Length: 60
    The long message description from the Oracle Utilities Application Framework in CDATA format.
  • Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 9999
    The HTTP Status code for the error.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    Fully qualified URL consisting of the Base URI Timestamp of error in ISO format, the User used for the transaction, the Message Category within Oracle Utilities Application Framework, the Message Number within Oracle Utilities Application Framework, the Request URL and the HTTP method used for the transaction.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    URL of the format "A/message/X/Y" where A is the base URI, X is the Message Category and Y is the Message Number within Oracle Utilities Application Framework.
  • serverMessage
  • Maximum Length: 60
    The stack trace shows where the error occurs during the execution of a program.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    Fully qualified error message from Oracle Utilities Application Framework in CDATA format.
Nested Schema : serverMessage
Type: object
Show Source
  • Maximum Length: 60
    Delimited sequence of programs called.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    The long message description from the Oracle Utilities Application Framework in CDATA format.
  • Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 0
    Message Category within Oracle Utilities Application Framework.
  • Minimum Value: -99999
    Maximum Value: 99999
    Message Number within Oracle Utilities Application Framework.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    Fully qualified error message from Oracle Utilities Application Framework in CDATA format.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    Name of the program that encountered the error.
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